Burial Plot Horror Podcast

EP 25 With Jeff Wood

Brenda S Tolian

On this episode, we are joined by author Jeff Wood.

Author Jeff Wood lives in Colorado Springs, where he spends way too much time staring at the night sky, and a little too much time watching baseball. His stories have appeared in over 30 publications such as Boston Phoenix, New York Press, Wild Musette, Fiction at Work, Bright Desire, The Greyrock Review, Bellowing Ark, and Java Journal. He has a children’s play included in the anthology CHILDSPLAY, in the company of such authors as Sam Shepard and Maya Angelou.

This was recorded near the time of Mardi Gras and Jeff shares a harrowing tale of his experience there during his younger years.

Jeff tells us about the sub-genre, suburban horror, in which he writes most of his stories. The feeling that there are deeper and maybe nefarious things going on under the veil of conformity. How the menace in everyday things influences his writing.

Jeff shares his experience of his story A Trick of Light being dramatized on the No Sleep Podcast and this leads to an interesting discussion about horror theatre. The pandemic gave birth to many new technologies and vehicles for storytelling.

Jeff shares that one of his biggest pleasures is planning his day around his writing and setting word goals for himself. Jeff co-hosts a virtual short critique group for the Denver Horror Collective, as well.

Jeff read from his short story Dandelions about raising daughters in a time of monsters.

Jeff can be found at:  https://jeffwood.substack.com/

Short Critique Group Info:

Joy can be found at: www.joyyehle.com

Brenda can be found at: www.brendatolian.com

No Sleep Podcast: https://www.thenosleeppodcast.com/episodes/s17/17x16

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